
This blog is part of a larger series of blogs of open letters to people living with mental illness. Kayla is a woman who had been very sick and has grown more stable over time. Now she is looking for ways to move forward and achieve more without losing her previous gains. The home page for these blogs includes letters to Tony, who is much sicker and needs more basic interventions. That page can be found at

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Dear Kayla,

I was moving forward myself, then had a setback. Why did this happen?

I was pushing and doing great. I was growing more and more excited. I was steadily building skills. Then things started to fall apart.

I wasn't pushing too much. I wasn't moving beyond what I was capable of doing. What happened was that my external life changed. I became too busy preparing for the holidays and some other events. I wanted to keep building skills, so I kept working on them at the same rate. But the combination of the two became overwhelming.

Setbacks can be external or internal. They do not even need to be problems -- even good things can be stressful. It is easy to grow excited about building skills and push to continue. But you always need to keep an eye on external stress and see if you need to make accomodations. If I had made accomodations earlier, I could have gone back to work much more easily.

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